Butter Rewards Program

To show appreciation to our loyal guests we are proud to announce our new Butter Rewards Program.

You'll earn one reward point for every $1 dollar you spend on any and all full price retail products.*  Redeem your points towards any service or full price retail product.

If you have any questions or would like some tips on how best to maximize your reward points please don't hesitate to ask any of our Guest Service Team. We look forward to seeing you soon.


200 POINTS = $10
400 POINTS = $20
   1,000 POINTS = $50
      2,000 POINTS = $100

*not combinable with other offers

In addition to those benefits, you also receive the following as a salon guest:

  • 20% off products for your birthday (redeemed in your birthday month)

  • $10 esthetics service credit each time you refer a friend (they receive $10 towards their first visit too)

  • $50 to $100 medical aesthetics service credit at Butter Beauty Parlour & Medical Aesthetics Clinic each time you refer a friend (they receive the same based on service cost, ask our team for details)

PLEASE NOTE: Butter Retail Rewards are earned and redeemed in store at Butter Beauty Parlour. Our Hedkandi.Shop Rewards program exists separately and points are earned and redeemed through online purchases only. Points are not transferrable between programs.